Elementary Programs
Registration for the 2023-24 school year is on a first come first served basis.
Girls Inc. 2023-24 School Year Registration is for girls 6-11 years old in grades 1-5. School year registration will begin on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 12:00 pm. Please contact Director of Programs, Natalie Duarte at gp-registration@girlsincislandcity.org for more information about the registration process. For more information regarding this program, please download our FAQs and 2023-24 Fee Schedule.
Girls Incorporated of the Island City’s elementary after school programs for girls, grades 1-5, are structured to meet the needs of developing girls. Programs are delivered in three sessions: fall, winter, and spring, by staff that is trained specifically to create learning environments that support the way girls learn and build their self-confidence. Programming curricula for each session will be based on the theme, “Inspiring all Girls to be Strong, Smart, and Boldsm.” Programming curricula is segmented by developmental age groups and is based on National research and testing.
The Elementary Girls Program is offered Monday-Friday, 2:50-6:00 pm, except Wednesday when programming begins at 12:10 pm. Girls do not need to be enrolled in Alameda schools to attend our programs. We provide supervised walking transportation to Girls Inc. of the Island City from the following schools (rain or shine): Franklin, Love (formerly known as Haight), and Maya Lin.

G.E.M.S. (Girls. Empowerment. Mentoring. Support.) is offered at Bay Farm, Earhart, Edison, Franklin, Love, Maya Lin, Otis, Paden, and Ruby Bridges. The program is designed specifically for girls in Alameda Unified School District schools and focuses on social emotional learning, academic success, building healthy relationships, anti-bullying, leadership, and developing confidence and self-esteem. G.E.M.S. is a one hour, once per week program offered during the school day and is led by one of our Girls Inc. of the Island City facilitators. Registration for G.E.M.S. is done at the girl’s school site. For more information, please call 510.521.1743.